Union Benefits’ website is located at www.unionbenefits.ca.
Union Benefits’ website provides members with company information, relevant news and allows them to submit claims online. Through the confidential Member access login portal, Members will have access to their Local’s benefit and retirement plan information as applicable. Members can also make a pay-direct payment and view their personal information including beneficiaries as well as monthly contribution activity. In addition, members will have access to member communications, plan booklets, forms and more for their convenience.
Members have to register a new account in order to access the confidential Member portal of the website. Previously, Members had “generic” usernames and passwords to login to the confidential section of the website – these will no longer work on the new website. Instead, Members can click “Login” in the top right hand corner of the website which will direct them to the page “My Union Benefits Access.” Members must follow the step-by-step instructions under “Register New Account” to gain access to the confidential Member portal. After doing so, Members will continue to access this section using the email and password they selected as their new login credentials. It is important to keep your password secure and confidential. If you share your Member access credentials with your spouse, you are solely responsible for changing your password if your personal situation or marital status changes.
Once you register your account as a Member, Trustees will be given access to the Trustee portal by Union Benefits. You only need one secure login to access the Trustee related information provided on Union Benefits’ website.
Each Local has an Active Member Booklet and, where applicable, a Retired Member Booklet which can be found after you login to the Member portal on the website and click on the My Benefits icon.
Members are encouraged to become familiar with the most recent Benefit Plan Booklet which is found after you login to the Member portal. Keep in mind the benefits and limits covered can change so it is important to occasionally check for a newer booklet.
Members can view the benefit claims they have already submitted using the Union Benefits Online Access or Union Benefits Mobile App. The Online Access provides detailed claims histories for each Member/dependent on the Plan and the amount of coverage that remains available for the given claim period. The Mobile App provides a summary of claims histories. If you have any questions or would like confirmation before incurring a benefit expense, please call Union Benefits at 1-800-265-2568.
Standard claim forms can be found after you have logged in to the Member portal on the website using your personal email and password. Keep in mind, many claims can be submitted electronically using the Union Benefits Online Access or the Union Benefits Mobile App.
No form is required. The information your dentist needs to submit claims electronically can be found on your Union Benefits benefit card on the second line, “Dental.” The Carrier Code shown corresponds to our dental claim service provider, “AutoBen.”
The Member is the only one who can sign claim forms. The only exception is when you have a named Power of Attorney (POA) and, in that case, Union Benefits requires a copy of the POA to be submitted with the form.
If you are covered under both Plans, you may be eligible for “coordination of benefits.” Please consult your Benefit Plan Booklet found in the Member portal to determine the rules governing which plan pays first and second. If you have coverage through another plan, benefits paid under the plans are adjusted so that the combined payment does not exceed 100% of the total allowable expense.
Union Benefits only accepts original claims unless the member submits the claim through the Union Benefits Online Access (desktop version) or the Union Benefits Mobile App. Note: Some types of claims, such as orthotic claims or dental pre-determination claim estimates, can only be submitted by mail as we require original documentation.
Yes. Union Benefits encourages Members to have claim payments be made through Direct Deposit because it is fast and more secure. To be eligible for Direct Deposit, please complete the Direct Deposit Form (found in the Member portal) and send it to Union Benefits along with a copy of a void cheque.
It depends as this varies by Plan and benefit. Refer to your Benefit Plan Booklet (found in the Member portal) for information regarding whether a referral is needed to be covered for a given service.
If you have another question not covered in these FAQ’s, go to the “Contact” page on Union Benefits’ website (shown near the top right of the home page) and fill in and submit the “Have a Question?” form. A Union Benefits representative will contact you by email or phone as soon as possible with a response to your question.
A Member Information Change form can be found in the Member portal of the website (under the My Benefits icon). Please send the form with the appropriate sections completed to Union Benefits by mail - an original signed copy is required to make these changes.
To change your life beneficiary, a Life Insurance Beneficiary Designation form can be found in the Member portal of the website (under the My Benefits icon). Please send the form with the appropriate sections completed to Union Benefits by mail - an original copy is required to make these changes.
To change your pension beneficiary, please contact the Union Benefits Pension Department (1-800-265-2568 or 519-725-8818) who will provide you with the correct form to use and guide you through the process.
To add a spouse to your benefit plan, a new Member Information Change Form must be completed and sent to Union Benefits. You can find the form after you sign-in, under My Benefits. In addition, when adding a matrimonial spouse to your benefit plan, a copy of the marriage certificate is required. When adding a common law spouse, you must provide proof of co-habitation for at least 12 months. Acceptable proof includes a driver’s license, utility bill or cell phone bill showing the common law spouses’ name at your most recent address with the date confirming the 12 months co-habitation is satisfied.
A Member Information Change form must be completed to remove the spouse from your benefits. Please note, you may also want to change your life insurance or pension beneficiary designation at the same time. See question above regarding how to change your beneficiary designations.
When adding a new dependent, you need to complete a Member Information Change form. Please sign and date the form and mail it to Union Benefits so we can add them as a dependent.
Under the terms of the Plan, proof of full-time student status is required each semester the student remains enrolled. Satisfactory evidence of enrolment includes a copy of the paid tuition invoice or a letter from the school registrar’s office. Depending on the length of enrolment evidence you provide, you may need to provide updated proof of enrolment each semester.
Once you have earned, through working hours, the required amount in your dollar bank to become eligible to join the plan, Union Benefits will mail you a “first time eligible package.” In that package, you will find a summary of the benefit plan features, two benefit/drug cards and other documents pertaining to your Local’s benefit plan.
To sign up for detailed information about your benefit plan and claim activity, you need to first register your account as a Member on Union Benefits’ website. Once you have confidential Member access, under the folder heading “Member Claims,” locate and click on “Online Access Website” where you will be re-directed to a separate login page used to access your benefit activity. YOU NEED TO REGISTER SEPARATELY FOR THIS ACCESS. Follow the registration process as described. To use the Online Access, you will also need to register for Direct Deposit for your claim payments.
As with setting up the Online Access (described in the answer to the question above), you can login to the Member access and under the folder “Member Claims” click on the Mobile App instructions – they provide a detailed explanation of how to download and register to use the Union Benefits Mobile App.
Alternatively, go to the Union Benefits website homepage, click on the dropdown menu under “Who We Are” and click on “Leveraging Technology.” On this page you will find information on downloading the Mobile App from the Apple iTunes Store and Google Play Store, as well as information on how to register and use the App. To use the Mobile App, you will also need to register for Direct Deposit for your claim payments.
To sign up for Direct Deposit, please complete the Direct Deposit Form (found in the Member login portal) and send it to Union Benefits along with a copy of a void cheque.
Call Member Services at 1-800-265-2568 to reset your password.
The coverage offered through Union Benefits extends to the same as what is covered for the provincial health care plan (e.g. OHIP) maximum days of coverage applicable for your province of residence. For example, in Ontario this is currently 212 days but is subject to change by the province. Note: Out of country travel coverage applies to both out of province and out of country travel.
No. Coverage is only for emergency medical claims.
It depends. In most situations, you do not need to notify AIG Assist prior to leaving the country. However, if you have experienced a significant medical issue in the past, you must be medically stable before your planned departure. If you are not medically stable and a problem arises while you are away, the associated medical costs will likely not be covered. It is advisable to contact AIG Assist at 1-877-204-2017 and discuss your situation 30 days or more before you leave to ensure you are cleared to travel with coverage. If you have any questions or issues, please contact Union Benefits’ Member Services 1-800-265-2568 for help.
Travel coverage is intended to treat acute, emergency medical treatments while out of the country or province of residence. It is not designed to cover medical treatments for medical issues you had prior to your trip. For example, someone being treated for cancer will not be covered for treatments related to your cancer care while out of the country. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, you are expected to be medically stable and safe for travel. Union Benefits suggests for you to contact AIG Assist at 1-877-204-2017 before you travel.
Travel to destinations which the Government of Canada has deemed unsafe may void any emergency travel coverage. Check online at www.travel.gc.ca or call AIG Assist at 1-877-204-2017 before you travel.
Call AIG Assist at the number on the back of the benefit card (Canada/USA: 1-877-204-2017) to seek advice before emergency medical treatment is administered (if possible). Depending on the situation, medical costs may not be covered if you do not contact the out of country travel emergency number in advance of the treatment being administered. In some cases, AIG Assist may refer you to another medical facility it deems to be better than the one you may be currently at because of concerns over the quality of the care.
If a covered child or dependent is travelling out of country/province, they should carry a card or a copy of the card with them. We recommend Members educate their child on how to use the travel coverage and be familiar with what it does and does not cover. Again, the traveller is advised to contact AIG Assist at the number shown on the card prior to incurring out of country medical expenses.